South India’s best family fashion mall, KLM, has been serving the public with all their fashion needs under one roof at pocket-friendly prices. Here at KLM Fashion Mall, we maintain a healthy and diverse environment by making women the main pillar of our organization. Empowering women is one of the founding objectives of KLM Fashion Mall, and we are constantly striving to uplift women by providing employment in manufacturing, distribution, and sales. To ensure the security and well-being of our female employees, we stick to strict codes of ethics at all of our retail locations.
In honour of Women’s Day celebrations at Kalamandir and KLM Fashion Mall, we are offering FLAT Rs. 500/- off on purchases more than Rs. 1500/- Valid Till 31st March 2023. Visit any of KLM Fashion Mall or Kalamandir stores in Hyderabad to avail this offer. Visit now.